R Tutorial For Beginners - Vector & Data Frame

R is one of the most powerful and popular programming language among Data Scientists. It is FREE software and lets the analysts perform most complicated analysis without getting into too much of details. It also lets you to automate most of the MIS reporting which is traditionally getting done in MS Excel. R is having the highest growth rate among all the data science software in India.

it is often perceived by the students and professionals, who are learning R for the first time (R Beginners), that it's a very complicated language and rather difficult to master it. Here, we have tried to help people to learn this language in a step by step, easy method. We have made as non-technical as possible while describing it, making it quite easy for all people to understand, even if they do not have any technical background.

This is the first part of the R tutorial, where we have explained the concept of Vectors and Data Frame, the basic building blocks of R programming language. In the subsequent videos we will be showing the more complicated part. Hope you will like it.